Hacker Interviews – BannedOffLine a very skilled Hacker

Pierluigi Paganini July 27, 2016

Today I have interviewed one of the core members of the popular GhostSquadHackers crew, he is BannedOffLine, the Admin.

Enjoy the Interview.

BannedOffLine hacker

Could you tell me which his your technical background and when you started hacking? Which are your motivations?

I’ve participated in many operations. The one I’m known for was OpIcarus where I’d get in an IRC with other anons and plan which bank to take down, also providing the IP address of the target. With the help of Anonymous, we took down about ever central bank and the stock market.

Then I participated in OpSilence when I nulled the CNN mail servers and Fox’s mail server. I did permanent damage because is till unavailable.

What was your greatest hacking challenge? Which was your latest hack? Can you describe me it?

I started hacking in 2015, I became interested in defacing and then I started to move on to more advanced things i cannot share. I also became interested in DDoS, as of now, I can output 300GBPS by myself within minutes. Recently me and other GSH members had DDoSed Arbor Networks which they tried to cover up as scheduled maintenance like most companies.

My hardest challenge was holding NASDAQ offline for OpIcarus as they use Incapsula business plan and Akamai. I managed to find the IP behind their CDN and keep it off for 15 minutes before my attack was mitigated. As Far as hacking I managed to get in the Cpanel of Bank Of Bhutan and will be leaking their database soon.

Recent Hack was aka Afghanistan Government.

What are the 4 tools that cannot be missed in the hacker’s arsenal and why?

Using already made tools/scripts is something i don’t do but I think every “hacker” nowadays has kali linux, nmap, Qualys, etc.

Which are the most interesting hacking communities on the web today, why?

HackForums, is great for beginners and pros but half the people on HackForums are leechers/skids and no nothing about coding.

Did you participate in hacking attacks against the IS propaganda online? When? How?

I’ve ddosed every isis website on the web i can assure you. Also, have a report bot that reports isis accounts mentions

Where do you find IS people to hack? How do you choose your targets?

get my targets from BinarySec, GhostSec, and . These groups are the most active participants.

We often hear about cyber weapons and cyber attacks against critical infrastructure. Do you believe it is real the risk of a major and lethal cyber attack against a critical infrastructure? Thanks a lot again, send me a picture to use as your avatar.

As says “Security Is A Myth” everything on the internet has a vulnerability.

Thanks a lot!

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Pierluigi Paganini

(Security Affairs – BannedOffLine, from TeaMp0isoN, hackers)

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