Location services are considered a serious threat to privacy because data managed by company like Google could be used for online surveillance. Many experts consider privacy a utopia, every activity we make online is constantly tracked and in many cases principal service providers manage much more information than needed. Google company has been accused many times […]
The Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree that will extend the use of SORM-2 to social network surveillance. Itâs known that the Russian Government is applying a strict surveillance on the Internet within the country, the Kremlin has developed a system code named âSORM-2â to monitor Russian citizens. The Russian Government has […]
Google Security experts have detected and blocked unauthorized digital certificates for a number of its domains issued by the NIC of India. Google announced to have blocked unauthorized digital certificates for different of its domains issued by the National Informatics Centre of India, which holds several intermediate CA certificates trusted by the Indian Controller of Certifying Authorities (India CCA). […]
A Facebook experiment conducted with the Cornell and the University of California provides evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. Facebook is the subject of a heated debate for a psychological experiment the company has conducted on nearly 700,000 people without their knowledge. The Facebook experiment was carried out in 2012 and was related to the manipulation of content on […]
Researchers at Include Security discovered that the Outlook.com Android App leaves user email messages unprotected by default on the mobile SD cards. A Microsoft Outlook client app for the Android platform lacks of encryption for the storage of email messages on the device’s SD cards. The unique protection mechanism implemented for the Outlook app is a […]
The Federal Trade Commission debated on the privacy ramifications of consumer generated and controlled health data, following data on mobile apps. The Federal Trade Commission has recently released the disconcerting results of a study conducted on 12 mobile health and fitness apps, focusing the analysis on the way they manage users’ personal information. Let me anticipate that […]
A user raised an alert on Reddit, on the presence of a malicious Chrome browser extension, on the official store, that is able to steal digital coins. Security experts have recently observed a significant increase for the number of malicious browser extensions, malware authors are exploiting the usage of browser addons to conduct illicit activities. Today […]
Security researcher Adam Langley of Google explained the real efficiency of revocation checking in response to OpenSSL heartbeat bug. The Heartbleed bug is a source of great concern for IT industry, every day we discover that the flaw in the OpenSSL library has had a significant impact on Servers, on the mobile industry and on the anonymity […]
Web developers Tal Ater discovered a Google Chrome Bug that allows websites to listen to user private conversations. Google still hasn’t patched it! Google Chrome is one of the most diffused browsers, it has an excellent reputation in terms of security, usability and performance but it is wrong to consider it as perfect. As any […]
SplashData has issued its Annual â25 Worst Passwords of the Yearâ enumerating the list of the most common password chosen by users. It was October 2012 when for the first time I’ve seen a report from SpashData on most common passwords chosen by users to protect their account on various services. SplashData, which develops password […]