Lampion trojan disseminated in Portugal using COVID-19 template

Pierluigi Paganini February 12, 2021

The fresh release of the Latin American Lampion trojan was updated with a new C2 address. Lampion trojan disseminated in Portugal using COVID-19 template.

In the last few days, a new release of the Latin American Lampion trojan was released in Portugal using a template related to COVID-19. This trojan has been distributed in Portugal in different ways, but this time the pandemic situation and the ongoing vaccination process is the reason behind this campaign to drop the beast in the wild.

In detail, the threat is impersonating the domain “” and the link to the zip file is also distributed in the email body.

The modus operandi is the same as observed in previous releases, only the addresses of the DLLs used during the side-loading process and C2 server geolocalized in Russia have been changed.

DLLs used during the DLL side-loading process downloaded from Google storage



When the malware is executed, it communicates with the C2 server and the browser overlay process begins every time a target home banking portal is accessed on the victim side.

0x4e7e210 (22): <|AppClip|><br />0x4e7e344 (38): Server Mandou====> <br />0x4e7e37c (36): <|FECHAR_RECORTE|><br />0x4e7e3b0 (72): Server manda====> Fecahando Recorte!<br />0x4e7e408 (30): <|ALINHA_TELA|><br />0x4e7e434 (34): ServRecebeu====> <br />0x4e7e474 (8): ><|><br />0x4e7e4b4 (40): ClienteRecebeu====> <br />0x4e7e500 (44):  Erro Encontrado====>  0x4e71f98 (28): banco montepio 0x4e71fc4 (16): montepio 0x4e71ff8 (26): millenniumbcp 0x4e72034 (18): Santander 0x4e72054 (14): BPI Net 0x4e72070 (18): Banco BPI 0x4e720a4 (24): Caixadirecta 0x4e720cc (42): Caixadirecta Empresas 0x4e72118 (20): NOVO BANCO 0x4e72150 (14): EuroBic 0x4e72186 (16): Credito Agricola 0x4e721b0 (20): Login Page 0x4e721d4 (22): CA Empresas 0x4e7220c (18): Bankinter 0x4e72240 (38): navegador exclusivo 0x4e74abc (14): TravaBB 0x4e74ada (32):  Banco do Brasil 0x4e74b08 (16): Traazure 0x4e74b2a (32):  Caixa Economica 0x4e74b58 (20): Travsantos 0x4e74b7e (20):  Santander 0x4e74ba0 (14): Travsic 0x4e74bbe (14):  Sicred 0x4e74bdc (14): Travite 0x4e74bfa (8):  Ita 0x4e74c14 (18): Travdesco 0x4e74c36 (18):  Bradesco 0x4e74c58 (22): BANRITRAVAR 0x4e74c7e (18):  Banrisul 0x4e74ca0 (20): TravaBitco 0x4e74cc6 (32):  Mercado Bitcoin 0x4e74cf4 (14): Travcit 0x4e74d12 (18):  Citibank 0x4e74d34 (18): Travorigs 0x4e74d56 (30):  Banco Original 0x4e74d84 (18): SICTRAVAR 0x4e74da6 (14):  Sicoob

Communication process

0x64d637c (246): <|Info|><|>Microsoft Windows 10 Home (64)bit<|><|><|><<|@-@|DESKTOP-xxxxxxxxx - xxxx|Microsoft Windows 10 Home (64)bit|||MP|N 
0x64d6474 (108): O|210X|..|FF|############00000000||||@-@
0x64d64fc (360): ##35977722363232BA77922081E8A8B11D252207F6A##############173E26057E4840ABCD03FFE2D3BAC479123CA9C6159D7E881145B3DBA246D411F2B##
0x64d667c (364): ##35977722363232BA77922081E8A8B11D252207F###############A0053CCA9187D90E173E26057E4840ABCD03FFE2D3BAC479123CA9C6159D7E881145B3DBA246D411F2BD5##
0x64dc5cc (264): ##35977722363232BA77922081E8A8B11D252207F############90E173E26057E4840ABCD0##
0x64dc6ec (260): 44A46F92B11004144D5DFA2DF86AAF66###############C8690B55C83A03225F22BBC12B17BDD3AD94E

C2 server geolocated in Russia

C2: 5.188.9.]28

Banking overlay windows

Indicators of Compromise are available in the original report:

About the authors: Pedro Tavares

Pedro Tavares is a professional in the field of information security, working as an Ethical Hacker, Malware Analyst, Cybersecurity Analyst and also a Security Evangelist. He is also a founding member at CSIRT.UBI and Editor-in-Chief of the security computer blog

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Lampion Trojan)

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