Facebook/Meta said Russia-linked threat actors are attempting to use the social network against Ukraine with hate speech, bullying, and fake news. Facebook/Meta revealed that Russia-linked threat actors are attempting to weaponize the social network to target Ukraine. The company blocked about 200 accounts operated from Russia that were used to falsely report people for various […]
Twitter announced it has banned 936 accounts managed by China-linked actors that attempted to sow political discord in Hong Kong. Twitter has observed and banned 936 accounts managed by China-linked actors that attempted to stir up riots and sow political discord in Hong Kong. The tweets aimed at discrediting the motivation of the Hong Kong […]
Facebook announced it dismantled covert influence campaigns in some countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa, including one tied to the Saudi government. Facebook uncovered two separate influence campaigns, one originated in the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, and another in Saudi Arabia. The campaigns appeared to be distinct and involved “coordinated inauthentic behavior” […]
Facebook recently announced that it removed multiple pages, groups, and accounts tied to Russia involved in psyops ahead of the election in Ukraine. Facebook spotted four campaigns that appear independent, three of them associated with Russian threat actors. One of the operations involved 18 Facebook accounts, nine pages, and three groups. Threat actors attempted to […]
Facebook is going to fund academic research on the impact of social media on elections, aimed at preventing manipulation of these platforms. Facebook is committed to preventing manipulation of elections through social media by funding research on the impact of social media on elections. Facebook announced the involvement of 60 researchers from 30 academic institutions […]
Twitter announced to have deleted more than 10,000 accounts managed by bots that were posting messages to influence U.S. Midterm election. Twitter announced to have deleted more than 10,000 accounts managed by bots that were posting messages to discourage people from voting in Tuesdayâs U.S. Midterm election. The accounts were created to appear from Democrats, but […]
After Cambridge Analytica case, Facebook announced security improvements to prevent future interference with elections. Facebook is under the fire after the revelation of the Cambridge Analytica case and its role in the alleged interference to the 2016 US presidential election. While the analysts are questioning about the interference with other events, including the Brexit vote, Facebook is now looking […]
Evidence that Russian hackers attempted to interfere with the 2016 US Election continues to pile up, DHS notified states whose systems were hit by APTs. Evidence that Russia attempted to interfere with the 2016 US Election continues to pile up. Rumours started almost as soon as the 2016 US Election was completed, individuals with the White House have […]
South Korean investigators confirmed that National Intelligence Service attempted to influence 2012 presidential election. South Korean investigators confirmed that National Intelligence Service (NIS) attempted to manipulate voters to help conservative win parliamentary and presidential elections. According to the National Intelligence Service (NIS), the Agency conducted a two-years PSYOPs involving up to 30 teams to manipulate […]
#MacronLeaks – Experts discovered evidence suggesting Russian threat actors behind the hack of French presidential candidate Macron. Who are the hackers that attempted to subvert the final vote of French Presidential Election by targeting the Macron’s campaign? Hackers leaked a 9GB batch of internal documents through the Magnet file-sharing service. The Macron data leakage has happened while […]